French EOSC Tripartite Event 2024: video recordings and presentations’ PDFs available

French EOSC Tripartite Event 2024: video recordings and presentations’ PDFs available 997 596 Pierrette Paillassard

“The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) aims to provide European researchers with seamless access to FAIR data, services and e-infrastructures. The ambition is to improve the productivity of research in general.
The implementation of EOSC is based on a long-term process of alignment and coordination pursued by the European Commission.
The Collège EOSC-France is deeply engaged in promoting EOSC activities and looks forward to hosting the 4th edition of its tripartite event in September 2024.

The presentations’ PDFs and all the video recordings are now available. You find them by clicking on the presentation title in the programme (or on the symbol right to the Welcome address and the concluding remarks)”.